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What is

The Plan?

I'm here to help you kick start your life, lose weight, grow your hair, gain weight or detox, you take control of your health, starting today! Give me 90 days you'll see Ahealthynewu

Hi my name is Latisha Allison. I'm a It Works Independent Distruibutor and Wellness Coach. I started my own business 2 years ago after attending a Wrap party my cousin threw. I actually thought she was inviting me to a Rap party lol. I had no idea what this "Crazy Wrap Thing" was or what it could do. So my mother and I went and we spent $25 for an individual wrap, I agreed to try it because I was unhappy with the way my belly looked. I was getting round like I was pregnant and people was offering me seats to sit down on public transportation. I felt really bad about my self. After my 45 mintue wrap I could not believe the results my mother and I had along with the other ladies at the party. That was when I decicded I had found something special! Not only did the results amaze me but the fact that It Works had so many other products to help with maintaing a healthy body, weight loss, skin care and etc. I was sold on researching the products and learning so much more to see if this was for me. I was sold I signed up 2 weeks later and have been loving my journey ever since. The people lives I have touched and the look on their faces when they see that our products really works is priceless!  It Works has changed my life in the few years I have been with  the company, even bringing on business partners as well. I wouldn't trade it for the world. So I'm looking for you to join this journey with me and become a part of the Ahealthynewu Team!


Give me 90 days it will change your life!


And start living healthy TODAY

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